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New center to strengthen China's soft power
Oct. 07, 2014

BEIJING, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- Peking University has formed a research center dedicated to national "soft power," aiming to help the government spread Chinese culture and values abroad.

"Cultural soft power is beginning to offer strong support for the rise of China. The country must enhance its cultural strength in order to dominate the global contest for soft power," said Culture Minister Cai Wu at the launch of the center on Monday.

Harvard professor Joseph Nye, who coined the term "soft power" two decades ago, sent a congratulatory letter to the center.

The center will attract members and guest researchers from central authorities, colleges, research institutes and companies, including the Party School of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Peking University and Xinhua News Agency.

China has intensified work to deepen its influence abroad since President Xi Jinping was elected Party leader in late 2012.

The ambition was written in a key document publicized by central authorities after the CPC Third Plenary Session in November 2013.


Source: Shanghai Daily

Edited by: Arthars