Speaker: Michael Batanin, Charles University
Time: 16:30-17:30 pm, September 30, 2022, GMT+8
Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: 862 062 0549 Code: 2022
Operads were introduced at the end of 1960s by Boardman, Vogt and P.May as spaces parametrising multivariable operations and their substitutions. In the 1990's however, it was realised that there are other interesting types of operads such as cyclic and modular operads of Getzler and Kapranov (motivated by TQFT development) and globular n-operads of Batanin parametrising higher categorical compositional structures. In 2015 Batanin and Markl introduced operadic categories in order to develop a consistent theory of operadic like structures. In my talk I explain what operadic category and associated category of operads are and why this is a very rich and useful new algebraic concept.
The speaker graduated from Novosibisk State University in 1983. He is currently a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of Czech Republic, and a Professor of Charles University in Prague. He is specialising in Algebraic Topology, Category Theory, Operads and related topics.
Source: SRMC