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资源 63
[Lecture] Deformation Invariance of Plurigenera of Moishezon Varieties
Mar. 08, 2023

Speaker: Sheng Rao (Wuhan University)

Time: 9:00-10:00 pm, March 8, 2023, GMT+8

Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: ID: 827 8895 6364 Passcode: 933760


This talk mainly concerns deformation invariance of plurigenera, particularly on a question of Demailly whether a smooth family of nonsingular projective varieties admits the deformation invariance of plurigenera. We confirm this more generally for a smooth fiberwise Moishezon family, and also prove a flat family case. And several more recent progresses on Kollar's and Siu's conjectures are also discussed. This talk is mainly based on several joint works with I-Hsun Tsai, Yi Li and Runze Zhang.


Sheng Rao received his PhD from Zhejiang University in 2011 and spent two more years there as a postdoctoral fellow. Then, he joined Wuhan University as a lecturer and has been a full professor since 2019. He is interested in several complex variables and complex geometry, especially deformation theory of complex structures.

Source: School of Mathematical Sciences