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资源 63
[Lecture] 3D Printed Functional Materials and Potential Applications
Mar. 20, 2023

Speaker: Sasitorn Srisawadi, National Metal and Materials Technology Center, Thailand

Panelist: Haixia (Alice) Zhang, Peking University

Time: 20:00 pm, March 21, 2023, GMT+8


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The demands for flexible electronic devices are growing rapidly due to their wide range of applications with several studies investigating the potential of using flexible electrically conductive polymer composites as piezoresistive strain sensors. In addition to material development, forming technique also introduces possibilities to state-of-the-art innovations. Additive manufacturing (AM), or 3D printing, has become an emerging manufacturing method to offer novel designs. The layer-by-layer fabrication technique enables a realization of complex designs and personalized components without compromising manufacturing costs. This presentation highlights the emerging roles of 3D printed natural rubber composites and other functional materials. A development of natural rubber-based functional composites with great sensing capability will not only pave the way for innovative designs of personalized wearable devices but will also benefit local rubber communities by adding value to their agricultural products.


Sasitorn Srisawadi is a Research Team Leader at the National Metal and Materials Technology Center, one of the research centers at the National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand. She earned a degree in Industrial Engineering from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. She won a scholarship from the Thai Government to further her education and received her M.S. and Ph.D. from North Carolina State University, USA, with her research work in additive manufacturing and rapid tooling. In 2011, her research career started at the MTEC where she works on additive manufacturing, or three-dimensional (3D) printing, production process optimization, and composite material fabrication. Her excellent track record includes a number of high-profile peer-reviewed publications and patent applications in the areas of her expertise which includes the new process of 3D printing for natural rubber and metal matrix composites.  In recognition of her contribution to promoting the roles of young scientists, she was appointed as a Co-chair of the Thai Young Scientists Academy from 2019 to 2021. She was also selected as a Young Leader Fellow at the Annual Meeting of Science and Technology in Society Forum 2019 and the World Academy of Sciences Young Affiliate 2020.

Source: iCANX