Speaker: Prof. Matthew Flatt (University of Utah, Salt Lake City)
Time: 15:00-17:00 p.m., April 26, 2023, GMT+8
Venue: Tecent Meeting ID: 671-628-9772
Rhombus is a new language that is built on Racket. lt offers the same kind oflanguage extensibility as Racket itself, but using traditiona (infix) notation. AlthoughRhombus is far from the first language to support Lisp-style macros without Lisp-styleparentheses, Rhombus offers a novel synthesis of macro technology that is practicaand expressive. The most significant departure from Racket, apart from the shift awayfrom parentheses, is the use of multiple binding spaces for context-specificsublanguages. For example, expressions, pattern-matching forms,and regularexpression constructions can use the same operators (with different meaningswithout creating conflicts. Rhombus includes support for programmers to create theirown new spaces and sublanguages.
Matthew Flatt is a professor of computer science at the University of Utah, He is one of the developers oithe Racket programming language and a co-author of the introductory programming textbook "How to DesigrPrograms". He received his PhD in computer science from Rice University in 1999, joined Utah in 1999, spent theacademic year 2006-2007 on sabbatical at the lnstitute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, andis spending the academic vear 2022-2023 on sabbatical at the National University of Singapore.
Source: School of Computer Sciences