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资源 63
[Lecture] Many-body resonances and avalanches in many­body localization
Jun. 06, 2023

Speaker: David Huse (Princeton University)

Time: 19:00-20:00 p.m., June 6, 2023, GMT+8

Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: 963 5796 8034 Password: 125125 (


I will discuss our current understanding of the phasediagram of many-body localization (MBL),articularly for themost-studied case of random systems with short-rangeinteractions in one dimension. The phase diagram contains anintermediate“prethermal MBL regime”,where small systemsappear MBL but large systems should be unstable tothermalization due to“avalanches”.The main large length- andtime-scal active degrees of freedom in this prethermal MBLregime are many-body resonances, which we have learned howto find and study. The crossover to the thermal regime atweaker randomness is where these many-body resonancesproliferate. These many-body resonances also play a centralrole in the spreading of the avalanche.


Avalanches and many-body resonances in many-body localized systems,(A.Morningstar,L.Colmenarez, V. Khemani, D.J. Lutz and D.A.Huse),Phys. Rev.B105,174205(2022).

Many-body resonances in the avalanche instability of many-body localization. (HHa,A.Morningstar and D.A.Huse), arXiv:2301.04658.

Source: School of Physics