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资源 63
Jul. 05, 2023
Speaker: Sten H. Vermund, MD, PhD, Anna MR. Lauder Professor of Public Healthformer Dean of Yale School of Public Health, and Professor of Pediatrics at Yale School of Medicine

Time: 10:00-11:30, July 5, 2023, GMT+8

Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: 756 016 3457 Passcode: 221221


Climate change is among the most urgent global health chal-lenges of the 21st century. Dr. Vermund's presentation willpresent the climate change statistics of concern, present theareas ofhuman health that will be affected most dramatically.present mitigation and adaptation strategies, and discuss whatcan be done at the personal and the policy levels to avoid seri-ous deterioration of global ecologies in the next half century.


Dr. Sten Vermund is a pediatrician and infectious disease epi-demiologist focused on diseases of low and middle incomec ountries. His work on HIV-HPV interactions among womenin Bronx methadone programs motivated a change in the1993 CDC AIDS case surveillance definition and inspiredcervical cancer screening programs launched within HIV/AIDS programs around the world. The thrust of his research has focused on health care access, adolescent sexualand reproductive health and rights, and prevention of HIVtransmission among general and key populations, includingmother-to-child. Dr. Vermund has become increasingly en-gaged in health policy, particularly around sustainability ofHIV/AIDS programs and their expansion to non-communi-cable diseases, coronavirus pandemic response and preven-tion, and public health workforce development. His recentgrants include capacity-building for public health in Chadmolecular epidemiology for HIV in Kazakhstan, andCOVID-19 vaccine studies in Dominican Republic and Con-necticut. He has worked with schools and arts organizationsfor COVID-19 risk mitigation and institutional safety.

Source: Institute for Global Health and Development