Dec. 05, 2008
US Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao Speaks at PKU
Peking University, Beijing, December 2, 2008: Elaine Chao, the US Secretary of Labor and the first Asian-American woman in the country’s history to be appointed to the Cabinet, spoke at Peking University on December 2. Chao shared some thoughts with the students on the US economy...
Dec. 03, 2008
PKU Holds “Energy and Climate Change Seminar“
Peking University, Beijing, Dec. 2nd, 2008:The "Energy and Climate Change Seminar", jointly organized by the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Royal Academy of Engineering and hosted by the Institute of Technology of Peking University, was held in the Hall of Sunshine of Yin...
Dec. 02, 2008
Professor Liang Yingming Publishes Latest Works on Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia
Peking University, Beijing, December 1, 2008: The latest masterpiece of Professor Liang Yingming, Research on Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia---a New Perspective in the New Century, was recently published by the Hong Kong Social Sciences Press. As the second anthology of Profe...
Dec. 01, 2008
Splendor of Shining Stars: Liu Chun, Chinese Department Masters Class of ‘07
Editorial notes: To display how modern day graduate students lived a healthy and spirited life, beginning September of 2007, PKU’s student service department joined forces with the PKU news network in creating the column “Elite Youth: PKU’s Outstanding Graduate Students”. This co...
Nov. 25, 2008
Dean of PKU School of Life Sciences has Luncheon Discussion with Graduate Students
Peking University, Beijing, November 24, 2008: The first Luncheon Discussion between Rao Yi, Dean of the School of Life Sciences and eight graduate students was held in the Office of the Dean, Room 109 of the New Life Sciences Building on November 24th.In the Discussion, eight gr...
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