Jun. 05, 2011
As joy & music in chemistry, chemistry in you & me
Peking University, June 1, 2011: Chemistry and music do not always go together; but this time, they did.A "Joy and Music in Chemistry" Concert was held in China's National Center for the Performing Arts on May 24. An opening ceremony of the PKU Chemistry Cultural Fesival, it was...
Jun. 03, 2011
PKU students stage traditional Chinese opera: Appreciate and inherit classics
News & Events|About PKU News|Contact|Site SearchPeking University, June 3, 2011: If you walked past the PKUAdministrative Building on the evening of May 29, you might have heard some euphonious traditional opera. It was the night for 20th anniversary party of PKU Peking Opera...
Jun. 02, 2011
Professor Rui Mu: Forever young
News & Events | About PKU News | Contact | Site SearchPeking University, June 2, 2011: Rui Mu, a renowned Chinese legal expert, educator, and senior professor at Peking University, passed away on March 20. PKU Executive Vice President Wu Zhipan wrote an article in memory of P...
Jun. 02, 2011
Leading medical scientist re-elected head of nation's S&T association
News & Events|About PKU News|Contact|Site SearchPeking University, June 2, 2011: The Eighth National Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) concluded on May 30 in Beijing. Professor Han Qide, president of Peking University Health Science Center (P...
May. 31, 2011
Nation branding: Public diplomacy and national image building
Peking University, May 30, 2011: As part of nation branding, public diplomacy and national image building are a joint responsibility shared by social entities including the government, the mass media and enterprises. Participants reached this consensus at the Forum “New Explorati...
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