Apr. 21, 2011
Yenching alumna Chao Lan-kun passes away
News & Events|About PKU News|Contact|Site SearchPeking University, Apr.19, 2011: Chao Lan-kun,mother of Kuomintang (KMT)Honorary Chairman Lien Chan, passed away on the night of April 17 in Taipei.The Yenching University alumnawas103, according to traditional Chinese count.Cha...
Apr. 19, 2011
PKU delegation visits National Center for Nanoscience and Technology
Peking University, April 17, 2011: Zhou Hui, Director of Office of Scientific Research, Peking University, and Shen Ruqun, Director of Office of Scientific Research at Peking University Health Science Center (PUHSC), visited the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCN...
Apr. 19, 2011
Itinerant Exhibition on Li Dazhao's life debuts at PKU
Peking University, April. 17, 2011: An itinerant exhibition in honor of Professor Li Dazhao has marked Peking University (PKU) as its first station, which will last 13 days from April 6 to April 18 and continue its trip to the other universitiesin Beijing. The exhibition has been...
Apr. 16, 2011
Great power politics in Libya: an analysis
News & Events | About PKU News | Contact | Site Search Peking University, Apr. 16, 2011: Two days after the UN Security Council adopted a resolution to authorize a no-fly zone over Libya on March 17, 2011, coalition forces launched strikes against Libya. The legitimacy of the...
Apr. 15, 2011
Hu Hongshu donates Zhu Jiahua’s manuscript of chronicle to PKU Library
Peking University, Apr. 15, 2011: Renowned Chinese American designer and painter Hu Hongshu donated the manuscript of Zhu Jiahua’s chronicle to Peking University Library. Hu Hongshu’s father, Hu Songping once was the secretary to two prestigious figures in Chinese modern and cont...
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