Dec. 06, 2010
Lifetime Achievement in Translation
Peking University, Dec. 3, 2010: The Translators Association of China (TAC) held the commendation meeting to confer translators the "Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation" and the title of "Senior Translator" on Dec. 2. Xu Yuanchong, a well-known translator and foreign litera...
Dec. 06, 2010
Excavation Yields Tantalizing Hints of Earliest Marine Reptiles
Peking University, Dec. 3, 2010: “It's exciting; We are all hoping for more!” says Olivier Rieppel, a specialist on Mesozoic marine reptiles at The Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois.What thrilled Rieppel was the latest finding of a research on the earliest marine reptiles, led by...
Dec. 04, 2010
PKU Sets Up New Oriental-Hanvon Student Grant
Peking University, Dec. 3, 2010: The New Oriental Education & Technology Group and Hanvon Technology Co. Ltd. jointly donated RMB1mn to Peking University as a student grant and 200 series of Hanvon E-books, each of which contained 2000 books, on Nov. 29. The student grant is...
Dec. 03, 2010
2010 Beijing College World AIDS Day Symposium Held at PKU
Peking University, Dec. 2, 2010:The 2010 Beijing College World AIDS Day Symposium with the theme"Against Discrimination and Self-protection" was held at Sunshine Hall of Yingjie Overseas Exchange Center, Peking University (PKU). Thisevent was co-sponsored by PKU Red Cross Society...
Dec. 03, 2010
Innovation and Responsibility: The 11th PKU Biomedicine Forum
Peking University, Dec. 2, 2010: On Nov. 28, the grand opening of the 11th Peking University (PKU) Biomedicine Forumwith the theme"Innovation andResponsibility – Medical Advances on the Way to a World-class University" took place in the Conference Hall of PKU Health Science Cente...
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