Nov. 12, 2010
【Beijing Forum 2010】China and Global Imbalances
Peking University, Nov. 6, 2010: Less than a month ago, the US Department of The Treasury delayed a highly anticipated report on international exchange rate policiesand thereby avoided the delicate question of whether to label China a currency “manipulator.” Nevertheless, America...
Nov. 12, 2010
Australian Education Minister Christopher Evans Visits PKU
Peking University, Nov. 7, 2010: On the morning of Nov. 1, Christopher Evans, Minister for Australian Tertiary Education, Jobs, Skills and Workplace Relations, visited Peking University (PKU). PKU President Zhou Qifeng and Vice Director of PKU Office of International Relations Xi...
Nov. 12, 2010
【Beijing Forum 2010】Technology of Education and Continuing Education
Peking University, Nov. 8, 2010: On the afternoon of Nov. 6, the fourth session of the Education Sub-form was hosted at Sunny Hall, Yingjie Exchange Center at Peking University around the theme of “Technology of Education and Continuing Education”. Prof. Lee Wing On, Dean of Educ...
Nov. 12, 2010
【Beijing Forum 2010】Interview with Paola Subacchi: China in the New Global Economic Order
Peking University, Nov. 6, 2010: On Nov. 6, Session 2 of “Global Governance and the Role of China” was held at Yingjie Overseas Exchange Center at Peking University, centering on the theme of “Global Governance and Economic Development.” After the discussion, journalists from PKU...
Nov. 12, 2010
【Beijing Forum 2010】Interview with Thomas Sterner
Peking University, Nov. 12, 2010: On the afternoon of Nov. 6, Professor Thomas Sterner, a key speaker in the panel session on environment, delivered a speech titled "Addressing Global Environmental Challenges: Policies and Actions", in which he discusses some necessary ingredient...
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