Nov. 11, 2009
Beijing Forum 2009: Nov 7 Harvard-Yenching Institute Panel Session
Yingjie Exchange Center, Peking University, Nov 7, 2009: On the afternoon of Nov 7th, the Harvard-Yenching Institute Panel was held at No.4 Meeting Room, Yingjie Exchange Center. Scholars from different countries were convened to exchange their ideas on the grassroots mobilizatio...
Nov. 11, 2009
Beijing Forum 2009: Nov 7 Panel Session on History
Yingjie Exchange Center, Peking University, Nov. 7th, 2009: At 2 p.m. on Nov. 7th, the History panel session of Beijing forum 2009 started discussions with the theme of “Nation-building, National Security and World Order in Historical Crises.” Focusing on this theme, eight schola...
Nov. 10, 2009
Selected Papers of Beijing Forum Open to Public for Free
Peking University, Nov 9: Selected papers of Beijing Forum will be open online to the public free of charge, according to the Organizing Committee of Beijing Forum.Peking University has agreed with ScienceDirect, a leading academic database online, to publish the electronic versi...
Nov. 10, 2009
Beijing Forum 2009: Nov 6 Panel Session on Culture
Diaoyutai State Guest House, Beijing, Nov. 6, 2009: Scholars from both eastern and western countries were convened together and gave their understanding and ideas on the topic of “Eastern Wisdom as Resource in Solving the Global Crisis”. The session was divided into two parts: “D...
Nov. 09, 2009
Hollinger: “Higher Education as a Public Good”
Peking University, November 7th, 2009: The Berkeley panel began with a brief introduction by the chair, F. Scott Biddy, on the history of universities through time. “Universities persist we adapt to changing times and survive through crisis, continuing to fulfill our missions as...
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