May. 11, 2020
International Symposium on COVID-19 Prevention and Control by PKU medical team to Hubei
Peking University, May 11, 2020:On the night of May 8, the “International Symposium on COVID-19 Prevention and Control by Peking University National Hubei Anti-epidemic Medical Taskforce” was held online. The conference was co-organized by Peking University Third Hosp...
May. 10, 2020
Peking University hosts video conference with UCL on anti-epidemic experience
Peking University, May 10, 2020: On April 30, Wang Bo, vice president of Peking University, and UCL pro-vice-provost Deenan Pillay participated in a video conference to exchange anti-epidemic experience amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Wang appreciated it when UCL sent its regards. H...
May. 09, 2020
Peking University spearheads Arabic translation to benefit 400 million people
Peking University, May 9, 2020: While the novel coronavirus outbreak is gradually brought under control in China, some Arab states are still struggling to contain it. In light of this, the School of Foreign Languages at Peking University translated China's official documents on t...
May. 08, 2020
[Webinar] Multilateral Experience Sharing and Strategy Development from the Front Line
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic is spreading globally, bringing enormous challenges to public health systems world-wide scale.The Global Alliance to Combat COVID-19 (GACC) will organize the first webinar “Multilateral Experience Sharing and Strategy Development from the Fro...
May. 05, 2020
Scholars from Peking University and beyond discuss global governance after COVID-19
Peking University, May 5, 2020: As the novel coronavirus outbreak begins to show signs of abating in China, Peking University hosted a symposium on the global governance in the post-pandemic era, inviting heavyweights from home and abroad to dissect and discuss pressing issues th...
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