Feb. 04, 2021
Yuan Ming: In memory of Ezra Vogel
Ezra Feivel Vogel was the Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus at Harvard University, and his work on modern politics and society helped to shape the public opinion towards two economic powers, China and Japan. Professor Vogel passed away on December 20, 2020.
Feb. 02, 2021
South Korean Investor Daniel (Daekyun) Mok: EMBA study at NSD PKU helps me better understand China
In August 2020, Global Innovation Investment-New Opportunities for Wealth in Great Economic Transformation was published by CITIC Press Corporation. The Chinese monograph was written by Daniel (Daekyun) Mok, head of Global Investment Division of the Mirae Asset Global Investments...
Feb. 01, 2021
Mu Liangzhu: Teaching physics with “magic”
Associate Professor Mu Liangzhu has been referred to as “Sorcerer Mu” among his students for as long as he could remember. This quirky nickname has an interesting origin. It all started when he lit up a fluorescent lamp seemingly with his bare hands during an electromagnetic expe...
Jan. 25, 2021
Xu Yajun: Inspiring new generations of teachers and innovative thinkers
Xu Yajun, professor of PKU School of Public Health, received the 2020 Outstanding Teaching Award. This award demonstrates appreciation for a teacher’s educational accomplishments. Xu began teaching at the Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene following the completion of her do...
Jan. 18, 2021
Braving the Beyond: A Singaporean girl's 2020 Voyage
With the prevalence of COVID-19 pandemic, last year is undoubtedly a special one for most of us. During the past few weeks, we have shared six PKU students' key words and unique stories of 2020, who came from across the globe and spoke at the 2020 Youth Forum.
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