Sep. 26, 2019
Nature publishes breakthrough in electrocatalysts from PKU's Guo Shaojun and collaborators
Peking University, Sept. 26, 2019: Recently, the group of Professor Guo Shaojun in College of Engineering, Peking University developed a novel type of sub-nanometer, highly curved PdMo nanosheets – due to its structural analogy with graphene, it was denoted as ‘PdMo b...
Sep. 25, 2019
Professor Zou Ruqiang’s group makes a breakthrough in BCN nanotube technology
Peking University, Sep 17, 2019: Recently, Professor Zou Ruqiang's group from College of Engineering made progress in boron and nitrogen codoped graphene (BCN) nanotubes. Trogtalite CoSe2 nanobuds encapsulated into BCN nanotubes (CoSe2@BCN‐750) is a new material synthesized by th...
Sep. 04, 2019
Liu Xiongjun and collaborators publish a paper in Nature Physics
Peking University, September 4, 2019: Physicists from Peking University (PKU) and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have proposed and successfully realized for the first time a 3D simulation of topological matter consisting of ultracold atoms. Previous at...
Jul. 19, 2019
Professor Wang Jian and collaborators’ works on the pairing mechanism of one-unit-cell FeSe/SrTiO3
Peking University, July 19, 2019:Recently, Professor WangJianand collaborators reported the observations of magnetic-excitation-like bosonic mode and quasiparticle bound states induced by strong nonmagnetic impurities in one-unit-cell (0.55 nm) iron selenide (FeSe) epitaxially gr...
Jun. 19, 2019
Li Liming’s team publishes latest findings on tea consumption and cancer prevention
Peking University, Jun 16, 2019: On May 31, Professor Li Liming’s team published a paper titled “Association between tea consumption and risk of cancer: a prospective cohort study of 0.5 million Chinese adults” in European Journal of Epidemiology.Professor Lv Ju...
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