Apr. 17, 2017
Fresh fruit mitigates the risk of diabetes and related cardiovascular diseases
Peking University, April 11, 2017: The paper “the Kadoorie Study of Chronic Disease in China (KSCDC)” co-written by authors from Oxford University, Peking University, and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, who conducted a cohort study involved 0.5 million adults, wa...
Apr. 14, 2017
Researchers report recovery of an oxidized majorite inclusion from Earth’s deep asthenosphere
Peking University, April 10, 2017: The internal composition and structure of the earth is at the forefront of geoscience research. Among 125 of the most challenging and critical scientific issues that Science published which human beings will strive to solve in the future, "...
Mar. 31, 2017
Professor Zeng Yi and Co-Writers’ Paper Issued on The Lancet
Peking University, Mar 27, 2017: The paper “Survival, disability in activities of daily living, physical and cognitive functioning among the oldest-old in China: a cohort study” co-written by lead author Zeng Yi, professor of National School of Development at Peking U...
Mar. 30, 2017
PM2.5 related premature deaths worldwide embodied in international trade
Peking University, Mar. 30, 2017: On March 30, an international collaborative study co-led by ZhangQiang and He Kebin at Tsinghua University and Lin Jintai at Peking University was published in Nature, which revealed for the first time the global premature deaths from ambient PM2...
Mar. 24, 2017
Science Advances reports Han Wei group’s work
Peking University, Mar. 23, 2017: Recently,Wei Han’s group, from the International Center for Quantum Materials (ICQM), demonstrated the spin injection and observation of inverse Edelstein effect in the Rashba-split 2DEG between SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 at room temperature. This w...
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