Sep. 11, 2014
PKU researchers make progress in plasmonic hot electron
Peking University, Sep. 10, 2014: Plasmonic nanophotonics and two dimensional materials are hot topics for recent optics and condensed mater physics. How to combine surface plasmon and plat 2D materials, such as graphene and MoS2, and realize excitation light active control of ma...
Jun. 26, 2014
Chirality-controlled growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes
Peking University, June 26, 2014: Recently, Professor Li Yan’s research team developed a novel strategy to produce single-walled carbon nanotubes with specific chirality by applying a new family of catalysts, which has great applications and influence in nanoelectornics and relat...
Jun. 10, 2014
New design surpasses the coherent interaction limit
Peking University, June 10, 2014: Coherent light-matter interaction at the single photon level is a long-standing goal for quantum operations. To reach such strong coupling regime, previous studies mainly focus on improving the quality (Q) factor and reducing the mode volume (V...
Jun. 10, 2014
Zhu Yu-Xian’s group makes progress on the Genome Sequence of cultivated cotton Gossypiumarboreum
Washington, DC, May 18, 2014 — Dr. Zhu Yu-Xian at School of Life Sciences and collaborators sequenced the genome of a cultivated cotton Gossypiumarboreum(cotton A-genome). The results were published online in Nature Genetics as a research article entitled “Genome sequence of the...
Jun. 10, 2014
Breaking the ice rules
Peking University, June 5, 2014: Water-solid interactions are of broad importance both in nature and technology. The hexagonal bilayer model based on the Bernal-Fowler-Pauling ice rules has been widely adopted to describe water structuring at interfaces. However, the validity of...
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