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Youth Never Gone: 'The First Slam Dunk' premieres at PKU
Apr 17, 2023

Peking University, April 17, 2023: The premiere of the Japanese animated sports film “The First Slam Dunk” was held in the PKU Khoo Teck Puat Sports Complex on April 15, 2023. The film portrays the gripping competition between Japanese high school basketball teams, Shohoku and Sannoh, and was shown on a 27-meter Cinity screen. At the event, the audience was also treated to accompanying gifts and surprise appearances by voice-over artists, players of the PKU basketball team, and the pre-recorded performance by the Japanese rock band 10-FEET (テンフィート). 
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After twenty-seven years since the first airing of Inoue's “Slam Dunk,” a manga series on which the animated film is based, "The First Slam Dunk" still managed to reignite the passion of its fans, who exclaimed at the event, "My Youth is Back!" Whether it is the opening ceremony dance, the display of the huge poster, the basketball show, or the cheerleading performance, the premier held up to its anticipations. 

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“The First Slam Dunk” told the story about the national competition between Shohoku and Sannoh. Although falling behind in the face strong opponent, Shohoku Team quickly adjusted under the guidance and leadership of Coach Anzai. Finally, they won the game. For many fans, the most touching scenes might be the phrase--"No.1 defender"--written in Miyagi’s hand, the moment when Hisashi Mitsui shouted "Never give up," or when Hanamichi Sakuragi continued to play with his injury. We all see bits of our shadows in the players, either through the calmness and determination in Miyagi or the persistence in Akaki, the ambitions of the youth can easily drive fans into tears. 

The 10-FEET rock band's performance via video links drove the ceremony to another climax. The audience shouted "Coach Anzai, I want to play basketball" in unison.  

Amongst the many surprises, the appearance of voice-over artists including Gu Jiangshan, Yu Zhengsheng, and Guan Zhihong, gained another wave of cheers. When a PKU student asked Yu Zhengshong, dubber for Hanamichi "how to maintain a pure heart like the Shokoku team members," he answered affectionately: "Positivity of the friends around us will influence and inspire us. So, I hope that you will cherish such friends, and I hope that everyone can become a person who is as passionate, persistent and fearless just like Hanamichi. Complete your studies, develop your career, and face everything with optimism.”

Later, interaction with Da Peng, Yu Baimei, and Yi Xiaoxing, renowned Chinese directors who had been invited to the event, was again met with great excitement.  

Just as coach Anzai once said, "If we give up now, the game will really be over". Most of us are ordinary people, without excellent physical conditions or a natural gift for basketball, but, in the words of Yu Zhengsheng, with enthusiasm, persistence, and ambition, we can still become No.1, just like Miyagi and Sakuragi did. 

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Written by: Chen Chuyun
Edited by: Niki Qiu
Photos by: Courtesy of the organizers; ZHENG FU VICTOR, Zhai Mengkun, Zhang Erdi, Xu Yifeng, Yang Ruoke, Wang Qingying
Video by: Wang Hui, Shi Zhuming, Wang Dayu, Qing, Ma Shifu