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Photo story | Having fun while learning during PKU’s finals season
Jul 03, 2023

Peking University, July 3 2023: What are the best experiences at PKU? There are probably many answers to this question, but we would get a resounding answer that it is the classes at PKU. Classes at PKU are taught by top-tier teachers, and students can engage in insightful discussions with their peers. Other than that, PKU students also reap a lot of gains while writing their research papers, studying for their exams and hands-on projects. Let us find out more about what some of our students’ interesting experiences in the modules they took this semester!
from clipboard

Creating the production chain in class
Students taking the Basic Training of Electronic System (电子系统基础训练) class got to experience first-hand how a radio chip is assembled in a production chain. This class allows the students to apply science theories they learnt into practice.

Getting the PKU cats Paw Prints

Remember to prepare the cats’ favorite treats so that they will be willing to share their paw prints with you! The students of the class Biological Specimens Making and Art  (生物标本制作与艺术) went around the campus to collect cats’ paw prints and different plants to create aesthetic specimen, creating beautiful art pieces while learning the science behind these archaeological formations.

Scroll down to admire the aesthetic art pieces created by our students!

A salute to our rescue “super heroes”

Under the debris, the students held their breath as they wait for the search-and-rescue dogs to “rescue” them. As part of Creative Communication Management  (创意传播管理) course project, students set out to film the brave work conducted by rescue dogs in a simulated rescue mission. To raise funds for the dogs, the students planned, filmed, and edited these promotional videos to raise more awareness about the admirable work of these dogs. This module is one of many which allows the students to serve the community during their course of learning.

Written by: Shi Xinyao
Edited by: Dennis Meng
Source: PKU News (Chinese)