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Premier Wen Celebrates Youth Day with PKU Students
May 07, 2010

Peking University, Beijing, May 5, 2010: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Tuesday told youths to aim high and make concrete efforts to achieve their goals as he spent this year's Youth Day with students from the prestigious Peking University.



Wen arrived at the campus Tuesday morning while various clubs and societies, ranging from mountain climbing, astronomy, career development to charity, were holding shows and performances to mark the day.


At the calligraphy and painting society section, a philosophy student named Li Danlin gave Premier Wen her calligraphy work of four characters, yangwang xingkong (look up to the starry sky), which is the title of a widely-known Chinese poem written by Wen to encourage young people to aim high and pursue their goals fearlessly.


Wen added another four characters to the work, jiaota shidi, which means be earnest and down-to-earth.



This year's May 4 marks the 91th anniversary of the "May Fourth Movement," an important cultural and political movement in Chinese history that fought imperialism and promoted democracy and science.


"In memory of the May Fourth Movement, we should first inherit the spirits of science and democracy, which are essential for us to build socialism with Chinese characteristics and achieve modernization," Wen said as he visited the university's library.



Wen told students to keep the spirits of science and democracy in their daily life and increase their responsibilities to the country and the people.


"Big goals, noble-minded moralities, profound knowledge, a healthy body and great personalities -- that's what I expect of you and myself too," Wen said to the students, adding that one needs great expectations and a hardworking spirit to walk the long road of life that has many obstacles.


"When I was young, it was my dream to realize development, equity and justice in the country. You need carry on what my generation hasn't finished... The load on your shoulders will be heavy," Wen said.


In response to questions on university education, Wen said, "the country's university reform aims to create a sound environment for students to think independently and strive for innovation."



"I'd like to sit and talk with young people on every Youth Day in an earnest manner. What's spoken in earnest will be forever," said Wen. When he departed, thousands of students lined the road, bidding him farewell.



Edited by: Jacques

Source: Xinhua