Peking University, Jan. 13, 2014: Recently, Professor Yuan Mingwu from College of Engineering, Peking University, was awarded “APACM Congress Medal (Zienkiewicz Medal)” by APACM and “ICACM Congress Award” by ICACM, the highest prizes of Asian Pacific Association of Computational Mechanics (APACM) and International Chinese Association for Computational Mechanics (ICACM).
Hosted by APACM/ICACM, and organized by Computational Mechanics Institute of Singapore and Xi 'an Jiao Tong University International Center for Applied Mechanics, the 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics and the 4th International Conference on Computational Mechanics was held in Singapore from 11th to 14th last December. . More than 600 scholars from over 23 nations and regions took part in the conference and discussed over issues concerning the latest achievements in various fields of computational mechanics. Professor Yuan Mingwu delivered a keynote speech at the conference.
“APACM Congress Medal (Zienkiewicz Medal)”, as the highest prize of APACM, is awarded to those who have made great achievements in the computational mechanics and made prominent contributions to the Asian-Pacific computational mechanics developments in the meantime. The award is issued every three years by APACM prize-jury, which is appointed by the executive council.
ICACM is an academic organization composed of Chinese scholars in the field of computational mechanics, which is intended to promote the development and appliance of computational science and engineering. The international conference, held every other year, awards various prizes to outstanding Chinese scholars in computational mechanics. Among all these prizes, “ICACM congress award” is the highest and this year’s awardacknowledges Yuan’s remarkable research achievements in computational mechanics and the extensive utility in engineering analysis.
Written by: Guo Caichen
Edited by: Zhang Jiang
Source: PKU News (Chinese)