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Beijing Institute of Modern Physics celebrated 35th anniversary Mr Tsung-Dao Lee’s 95th Birthday
Nov 25, 2021
Peking University, November 25, 2021: On the morning of November 23, the Commemoration of the 35th anniversary of the founding of Beijing Institute of Modern Physics (BMIP) cum Celebration of Mr Tsung-Dao Lee’s 95th Birthday was held at the BMIP 101 Report Hall. PKU Council Chairman Qiu Shuiping, President Hao Ping, and various distinguished physics professors were present. As the event's host, Gao Yuanning, deputy director of BMIP, delivered the welcome speech. "Tender sentiments in Yanyuan, Nostalgia for Old Acquaintances" were the words Mr Tsung-Dao Lee wrote for this event and was presented by Gao during the welcome address.

As the representative of PKU's teachers and students, Qiu Shuiping expressed his best wishes and gratitude towards Mr Tsung-Dao Lee. He recounted the significant contributions that Mr Lee has made to PKU's Physics faculty and the country's science education. He pointed out three main takeaways: firstly, Mr Lee's far-sightedness and spirit of innovation as he aligns himself with the global developments in the scientific arena; Secondly, Mr Lee's patriotism which guided him to use his scientific knowledge to contribute to the country's progress; Thirdly, Mr Lee's devotion to the education of the next generation of young, bold and innovative scientists ensured the continuity of the country's scientific developments and breakthroughs. President Hao Ping presented calligraphy artwork on behalf of the teacher and student body to Mr Lee as his 95th birthday gift. The artwork with the words "Outstanding teacher with righteous benevolence" was written by Professor Wang Yuechuan from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University.

Other physics professors also recounted the establishment and progress of BMIP and other physics institutes. The event concluded with the teachers and students wishing Mr Lee a happy 95th birthday.

The group photo

Written by: Shi Xinyao
Edited by: Ma Yaoli
Source: PKU News (