Peking University, Apr. 28, 2014: Engineering education has always been facing the challenges of balancing between theory of engineering and engineering practice, to build the “the missing link” between them has been the universal concern. What is the development direction of the engineering field? Sparks in AEDS 2014 may light up the beacon.
Themed as “New Challenges and Opportunities for Asian Engineering Education and Research”, the 2014 Asian Engineering Deans Summit (AEDS) was held in Peking University during Apr. 28th-29th. More than 50 delegates from all over the world attended the conference, including deans of various universities, presidents of related organizations and managers of companies.
Zhang Dongxiao, Chair of AEDS 2014 and dean of College of Engineering of PKU, introduced the major guests of the summit. Then Wang Enge, president of PKU, made a welcome speech, in which he briefly introduced the history of Peking University as well as the development in technological research and major achievements of College of Engineering of PKU. He also expressed sincere welcome and wished the summit a great success.
Aiming at promoting the communication and encouraging sharing of the knowledge and experience different regions, universities and firms, AEDS 2014 is to serve as a network for engineering deans to leverage their collective strengths for the advancement of engineering education, research and service to the global community.
Apart from the keynote speeches, it was divided into three sessions, focusing on engineering education, innovation and entrepreneurship respectively.
Yang Wei, President of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), dilated upon the diversities of Chinese engineering education and emphasized on the qualities of faculty in his speech entitled “Characteristic Development for Engineering Schools/Clusters in China”. Different types of academic groupswere vividly compared to different animals like sheep, goose, wolf and lion, increasingly advanced: the sheep are those who lack gumption and are satisfied with left-overs while the lions are desirous for blood, collaborative and aggressive.
Three other honored guests delivered keynote speeches as well, which were all thought-provoking and raised heated discussion.
AEDS 2014 provided an opportunity for professors and manages in this field to discuss the future development of both engineering education and industry. As Ken Dunstan, Manager of Education and Channel Business, APAC Region, Mathworks, Inc., mentioned, “The emphasis of engineering education should be two parts, to grow the knowledge and also to bring the students to industry. It is important for student to keep interest, and know the study will benefit their career and life”, engineering is an applicable study in the essence.
In the accelerating development of engineering field, AEDS 2014 created more possibilities through collision of thoughts which were brought up by the academic group and the industrial group. It is also a precious chance for Peking University to hear voices and learn from other institutes so as to improve our college of engineering.
Written by: Jin Panzhu and Jiang Zhihui
Edited by: Zhang Jiang