Hello, world. The new PKU English website is online!
Dec 16, 2021
Peking University, December 16, 2021: After
two years of hard work, Peking University is saying hello to the world
with a fresh face. We are excited to announce the launch of our newly
upgraded English website. Explore our new look now!
Peking University has always strived to stay youthful, innovative, and international. So has our website.
In the past two years, the original PKU English website has undergone a
visual, contextual, and functional transformation. Today, our new
English website is officially off the ground!
Explore the wondrous world of Peking University at english.pku.edu.cn now, or click the following picture for a quick glimpse!
What's new?
The new website aims to enhance the university's outreach and current
brand-building efforts. To achieve this, we have refreshed the design
and contents of the home page and six core sections.
The home page offers an array of snapshots of PKU. Why not choose a
picture that piques you and discover the story behind it? Or scroll down
the page to check out the six core sections!
The About section presents a Message from the PKU President, traces
PKU's past and present in History and Today, outlines PKU's mission and
vision in Global Excellence Strategy, and provides information on PKU's
Leadership, Faculties, Facts & Figures.
The Study section provides information on academics at PKU. Visit this
section to learn more about general Admissions, specific International
Flagship Programs, and Online Courses. Students can also visit the
Education subpage to get more information on life and learning at PKU.
Among the six sections, the News section, which serves as a hub for
PKU's global communications, is the only one that is run independently.
Here, you can keep track of the hustle and bustle on campus: Get the
latest PKU news at Headlines, keep up with social activities and
academic lectures at Events, check out PKU in the Media, read our
Newsletters and get a glimpse of PKU through Multimedia videos!
The Research section underscores PKU's commitment to scholarly
excellence. Research News covers PKU's latest research contributions
through joint efforts by outstanding Research Organizations, the
supporting Administrative Office, and academic Journals run on campus.
At PKU, we promote international exchange and establish connections
through bespoke collaboration. Find out more about how we can work with
you in our Collaboration section, which lists the contact information of
five major departments at PKU helming international outreach.
Last but not least, the Campus section is your guide to touring PKU.
Enjoy Videos and Photos of campus scenery, culture, and people, and
check out useful information on campus life at PKU Retail and Service
Have fun exploring the new PKU English website!
Challenges and Opportunities: A short history of the PKU English website
Debuting in 1995, the PKU English Website has undergone six updates over the years.
In 2018, in light of the university's 120th anniversary, the homepages
of both the PKU English and Chinese websites were updated, but the
overall structure and sections of the sites remained unchanged.
In 2019, the PKU Chinese website received a comprehensive upgrade,
resulting in inconsistency between the English and Chinese websites.
Meanwhile, the era of media convergence presented both challenges and
opportunities for PKU's global communications.
Aiming to tell Chinese stories and PKU stories well, PKU has established
a number of institutions between 2019-2021, creating a new global
communication ecosystem of "Grand Outreach". The construction of this
network has boosted efforts to upgrade the PKU English website.
At the end of 2019, the project to upgrade the PKU English Website was officially launched.
In the past 2 years, we have undergone 11 layout design changes, 8
iterations of web usage testing updates, 5066 manual data migrations,
and 2838 image updates.
Today, on December 15, 2021, the new English website goes live.
Writer: Ye Yimeng
Editor: Li Wanqi, Pu Hairui
Gif maker: Wang Hui
Designer: Chen Chuyu