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PKU Medicine wins Collective and Individual Awards of 2021 "Honored Doctors"
Dec 23, 2021
Peking University, December 23, 2021: On December 8, the 6th public welfare event of "Respecting Life and Honoring Doctors" of 2021, hosted by Global Times and Life Times and jointly sponsored by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Development Center and the Public Health Professional Committee of China Primary Health Care Foundation, was held in Beijing. Experts and scholars from government agencies, medical circles, media circles and business circles gathered to pay tribute to all medical personnel who have made outstanding contributions to the medical cause, and promote the whole society to form a consensus of respecting life and doctors.

This year, 111 doctors and teams won awards, including many collectives and individuals from PKU Medicine.

As the rotating chairman of the public welfare event of "Respecting Life and Honoring Doctors" of 2022, academician Qiao Jie, executive vice president of Peking University, president of Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC) and president of PKU Third Hospital, said in her closing speech that, she saw at PKU Medicine more and more excellent students choose to enter the medical path, determined to become good doctors and inspired to become great doctors. "This makes us firmly believe that the promising future of our country’s medicine can be expected."

Written by: Wu Zhaoxia
Edited by: Ye Yimeng