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Michigan Medicine-PKUHSC Joint Institute meets online for cardiovascular research
May 24, 2022
Peking University, May 24, 2022: The Michigan Medicine-Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC) Joint Institute hosted an online conference on April 29 to exchange the latest development in cardiovascular research and bridge potential collaboration in the field. The Zoom-based conference was attended by more than 50 researchers.

In his opening remarks, Vice President Wang Jiadong of the PKUHSC reviewed the achievements of the Joint Institute in cardiovascular research and education, and encouraged further exchange and collaboration on the platform. Prof. Joseph Kolars, senior associate dean for Education and Global Initiatives at Michigan Medicine, echoed this call in his opening address.

The opening remarks were followed by presentations from both sides and a Q&A session, which extended mutual understanding and built— as the theme of the conference indicated—“a collaborative bridge to better health”.

Written by: Fan Xiaofei
Edited by: Ye Yimeng