9th North America Congress of PKU Alumni Associations held
May 27, 2022
Peking University, May 26, 2022: The 9th North America Congress of PKU Alumni Associations was held from May 8 to 9, 2022 in a hybrid format with online and offline venues set up in both Beijing and San Francisco. The conference aims to bring together PKU alumni in North America for them to exchange their experiences and work towards the development of the alumni associations. This year’s conference was attended by President of PKU Hao Ping; Acting Consul-General of the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, Pan Qingjiang; Vice-President of PKU and Executive Vice-President of the Alumni Association, Wang Bo; and former Vice-President of PKU and Executive Vice-President of the Alumni Association, Wang Jie.
PKU President Hao Ping (front row, left) and PKU Vice-President Wang Bo (front row, right)
On May 8, the North American Alumni Work Seminar was held. During the seminar, 35 representatives from 17 North American alumni associations held in-depth discussions on “Alumni Work in the New Normal of the Pandemic”. Deputy Secretary-General of PKU Alumni Association and Deputy Director of the Alumni Affairs Office, Li Cunfeng began his opening address by thanking all alumni in North America for forging the connection between PKU and its overseas alumni, and strengthening China’s academic and non-governmental exchanges with the United States and Canada. During the work experience sharing session, some alumni showcased their efforts to help combat the pandemic: Zhou Xinjian and Liu Ye introduced the fundraising project of the Northern California Alumni Association to help combat the pandemic; Xu Lei shared about the Southern California Alumni Association’s active participation in the “Million Masks Action” project to transport personal protective equipment to China.
Group Photo of the Alumni Work Seminar
On May 9, the Weiming Forum was held, gathering more than 300 alumni representatives from North America and around the world. In his opening remarks, Wang Bo recounted and praise the contributions made by PKU alumni towards supporting China’s efforts to combat the pandemic. During the forum, on-campus scholars and alumni representatives exchanged views on cutting-edge fields and hot button topics. Some of the highlights of the forum include presentations on topics such as “Is it Art? Is it Science? -- Peking University Image Laboratory” and “The Beauty and Use of Materials Science”, and roundtable discussions on life sciences and semiconductors. Some of the notable alumni speakers include the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Eureka Therapeutics Inc., Liu Cheng; the founder of Tyche Partners, Yun Weijie, and the co-founder and CEO of Innovusion, Bao Junwei. In his closing address, Wang Jie noted that since the inaugural North America Congress in 2003, PKU alumni associations in the region have made great contributions towards uniting our PKU alumni and promoting the international image of PKU.
Group Photo of the Weiming Forum
All in all, the 9th North America Congress of PKU Alumni Associations was a fruitful conference that brought together our alumni to share their valuable experiences and network with one another, bringing the PKU school spirit towards greater heights.
Written by: Su Huangyi
Edited by: June Tan Rui Min
Source: PKU News (Chinese)