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Peking University researcher wins prestigious C. N. Yang Award
Sep 07, 2022
Peking University, September 7, 2022: On August 22, Researcher Wang Jianwei from Institute of Modern Optics, Peking University School of Physics  was awarded C. N. Yang Award 2022 by Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) and Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) for his contribution in integrated photonic quantum information science and technologies.

Wang Jianwei (center)

Wang Jianwei stands as one of the first scholars to conduct the cross-subjects research of integrated optics, quantum physics and quantum information science. He has done several groundbreaking research on integrated optical quantum chip in silicon and made some research results in this field that have international influence.

Wang and his collaborators broke the deadlock in the field in which the research in the past decade had been limited to only a few or dozens of quantum optical device integration, by developing the most large-scale programmable optical quantum chip and breaking through the difficulty of preparing and controlling complex entanglement structures.

Wang has published more than 30 articles in Science, Nature Physics, Nature Photonics, Nature Review Physics, Nature Communications, Science Advances, SCPMA and other international academic journals. He was also invited by Nature Photonics, Nature Review Physics, etc., to write reviews on optical quantum chip technology and global development prospect of optical quantum chip.

AAPPS-APCTP C. N. Yang Award is co-established by Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) and Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), aiming at granting honors to young researchers who have achieved outstanding research results in the Asia-Pacific region so as to promote the development of young scientists in the field of physics. The award is given annually to three people, and 2022 marks the 11th year of the award.

Written by: Zou Xueyang
Edited by: Meng Bin
Source: PKU News (Chinese)