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PKUHSC-led center on female fertility approved by NSFC
Oct 06, 2022
Peking University, October 6, 2022: The Basic Science Center Program led by Qiao Jie, president of Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC), was approved in September 22 by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The program would bring together experts in reproductive health to tackle issues in aging and restoration of fertility.

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The approval came after a recent on-site inspection by NSFC panel reported favorable results. The panelists included, among others, Vice President George Gao of the NSFC and Director Zhang Xuemin of Medical Sciences. The panel heard from Prof. Qiao for an overview of the program and visited the Center for Stem Cell Research, the Center for Reproductive Health and the Institute for Medical Innovation of Peking University Third Hospital. After deliberation, the panelists reached positive decision unanimously.
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Apart from Prof. Qiao, members of the newly approved program include Prof. Li Rong and Yan Liying of Peking University, Prof. Wang Haibin of Xiamen University, and Prof. Wang Lei of Fudan University. They will look into regulatory mechanisms of fetus, endometrium, and internal/external environment in reproductive aging and develop strategies of intervention. The interdisciplinary program will stretch from basic medical research to clinical translation.
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Basic Science Center Program is the top grant program of the NSFC, providing up to 60 million yuan (about 8.43 million USD) over a five-year (or ten-year) period. The grant is bestowed to no more than 15 projects every year, and the newly approved program is one of the two approved this year in the medical field.

Written by: Fan Xiaofei
Edited by: Meng Bin
Source: Peking University Third Hospital