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Countdown to 2022 | Greetings from Pekingers!
Dec 28, 2021
Peking University, December 28, 2021: As 2021 comes to an end, Pekingers can't wait to welcome the new year. Whether on campus or at home, we hope Pekingers from and in every corner of this world are in good health and look forward to a better and brighter new year. This time, we have seven Pekingers among many to share their new year resolutions here! Happy New Year!

What are your new year resolutions?

1 ROHAT AKCAKAYA, PKU-LSE Masters in Public Policy, Germany

My greatest wish for 2022 is that we as a global community continue to make progress in the fight against the corona pandemic so that we can replace the times of isolation and concern for the health of our fellow human beings with the valuable time of personal encounter and appreciation. For me personally, I would like to continue to use my time at Peking University to grow academically and personally through valuable processes of reflection and new knowledge, in order to contribute with all my might to the improvement of our common world. I would like to share my wish to successfully complete my studies in 2022 with all my fellow students at Peking University and wish them much success, strength, and health for the new year 2022.

2  BRENDA CHEONG, Year 3 Undergraduate, PKU Yuan Pei College, Singapore

Happy new year to all Pekingers! My greatest new year resolution for myself is to spend less time on my phone, interact more with people and read more books!

3 CHITSUWAI, Year 4 Undergraduate, PKU School of Government, Myanmar

My greatest new year resolution this year is to get an offer from my dream school for my master's degree! Happy new year everyone!

4 VICTORIA BELA, Masters in Public Policy, PKU School of Government, Russia

My resolution for 2022 is to try as many new hobbies as possible! In exploring some activities and crafts to pick up, I have already decided to crotchet a hat, try a cooking class, learn a new language, and take some travel landscape photos. My wish is that by trying some new things, I will expand my horizons and leave the quarantine boredom behind me, while simultaneously finding some permanent new interests! My second resolution is to study hard and finish the first year of my studies at Peking University feeling accomplished and happy with the progress I made towards my Master's degree. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year from Russia!

5 AIRIN ABE, Year 2 Undergraduate, PKU School of Government, Japan

l hope that I will achieve good grades and progress in the coming year as I continue to acquire new knowledge. Happy new year everyone!

6 PONPAWIT PONSONGKROUK, Year 4 Undergraduate, School of International Studies, Thailand

I hope I can graduate and complete my thesis successfully in 2022, and I hope it can play a helpful role in my career. As I will be embarking on my career soon, I hope to start smoothly and learn a lot. I also hope everyone's wishes and dreams come true in 2022!

7 NUR QAMARINA, Year 3 Undergraduate, School of Economics, Malaysia

My top three new year's resolutions for myself are to step up of my comfort zone and meet more new people, stop procrastinating and manage my time wisely; Last but not least, to be more active and live a healthier life! Happy new year all!
Happy New Year everyone!

Writer:Aneka R. Rajbhandari, Goh Chia Chia
Editor: Pu Hairui
Producer:Amanda Hu
Photo:Abe Airin, Rohat Akcakaya, Brenda Cheong, Chitsuwai, Victoria Bela, Ponpawit Ponsongkrouk
Designer:Goh Chia Chia