[Lecture] Tocqueville and Incomplete Equality - Slavery and Colonization
Speaker: Prof. Françoise Mélonio, Sorbonne UniversitéTime: 19:00 pm, September 21, 2022, GMT+8Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: 853 0583 5720 Password: 337759Abstract:Françoise Mélonio is a professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris. She was former vice-chancellor of...
[Lecture] What Does Precedent Do in the US Legal System?
Speaker: Prof. Richard M. Re, Joel B. Piassick Research Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of LawHost: Prof. Norman Ho, School of Transnational Law, Peking UniversityTime: 21:00-22:00 pm, September 20, 2022, GMT+8Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: 834 9668 5...
[Course] Advanced Topics in Public Economics PUBLIC SPENDING AND THE ROLE O...
Lecturer: Dr.Ludger Schuknecht, Vice President and Corporate Secretary of AllBTime: 19:40-21:30 pm (Monday Evening), 09.05-11.07, 2022, Beijing Time (There will be no classes on Sept 12 and Oct 03.)Venue: Room 245, Chengze GardenAbstract:This course introduces...
[Course] Coarse geometry and operator algebras: a minicourse
Speaker: Yeong Chyuan Chung, Leiden UniversityTime: 19:30-20:30, September 19-22/26-29, 2022, GMT+8Timetable:Venue: Tecent Meeting ID: 869-2118-6000 Password: 3721 Abstract:Coarse geometry involves studying metric spaces by looking at them from far away, and i...
[Course] Advanced Numerical Methods with Applications
Speaker: Prof. Andrey Dorogovtsev, Institute of Mathematic, NAS UkraineTime: 16:00-17:00 pm, September 19/21/26/28 October 3/5, 2022, GMT+8Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: 852 4434 8793 Password: 075030AgendaAbstract:This course aims to provide a solid introduction on...
[Lecture] Stress-Electrochemistry Coupling for Energy Applications & So...
Time: 20:00 pm, September 16, 2022, GMT+8Venue: iCANX Talks platformLong press to identify the QR code and jump to the webpage!Topic 1: Stress-Electrochemistry Coupling for Energy ApplicationsSpeaker 1: Sangtae Kim, Hanyang UniversityAbastratStress is a univer...
[Lecture] Rationality problem for conic bundles
Speaker: Yuri Prokhorov, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RASTime: 16:00-17:00 pm, September 16, 2022, GMT+8Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: 891 3880 1618 Password: 987654 Abstract: A conic bundle is a flat morphism $f: X\to Z$ of smooth algebraic varieties whose fibe...
[Lecture] Noncommutative differential geometry and quantum effects of gravi...
Speaker: Zhang Xiao, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of SciencesTime: 10:30-11:30 am, September 16, 2022, GMT+8Venue: Tecent Meeting ID 602-653-169 Abstract:We provide a rigorous theory of noncommutative metrics and curvatures in fr...
Lecturer: Professor Wei Ha, Associate Dean, Graduate School of EducationTime: 15:00-17:00 pm (Wednesday Afternoon), 09.08-12.14 (Every other week), 2022, Beijing Time (National holiday classes be switched to Sept 28.)Venue: Online through Classin platformAbstr...
[Lecture] Artificial Intelligence in Economics and Finance
Speaker: Prof. Serguei Maliar, Santa Clara UniversityHost: Prof. Li Bo, School of Economics, Peking UniversityTime: 20:00-22:00 pm, September 13/15/17, 2022, GMT+8Venue:Scan the QR code to register and the deadline is September 9.Timetable:Day1:1. Introduction...
[Lecture] Operators on the universal enveloping algebras and quantisation o...
Speaker: Georgy Sharygin, Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityTime: 21:00-22:00 pm, September 9, 2022, GMT+8Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: 862 062 0549 Password: 2022 Abstract:Argument shift method is an important and simple method to generate large commutative subalgeb...
[Lecture] The Limitations of Privacy Rights
Speaker: Daniel J. Solove, John Marshall Harlan Research Professor of Law at the George Washington University Law SchoolHost: Peng Chun, School of Law, Peking UniverisityTime: 20:00-22:00, September 8, 2022, GMT+8Venue: Tecent Meeting ID: 469 723 346Abstract:I...
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