May. 21, 2013
Students hold Physical Chemistry Graduate Frontier Forum
Peking University, May 20, 2013: “This graduate forum, compared with other conferences, will bring you a brand new experience, because you graduates will be the stars on stage today,” remarked Professor Liu Zhongfan, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences at the opening cerem...
May. 20, 2013
Creative city: The art of city making
Peking University, May 20, 2013: "People often ask me what are the core values of creativity, but I would rather tell them what a huge loss we will suffer without creativity." said Professor Charles Landry at PKU, who coined the term "the creative city" in the late 1980s.Invited...
May. 20, 2013
PKU alumnus tastes the infinity of prime pairs
Peking University, May 17, 2013: Zhang Yitang, B.S.’82 in Math from Peking University (PKU), recently made an important contribution to solving the twin prime conjecture. Prof. Zhang YitangProfessor Zhang’s proof of a “weak” version of the conjecture is set for publication in the...
May. 20, 2013
PKU-Tsinghua-Stanford Conference in Quantitative Finance held at PKU
Peking University, May 20, 2013: Aimed at building a platform for academics and practitioners to exchange ideas on recent advances in quantitative finance, PKU-Tsinghua-Stanford Conference in Quantitative Finance was held on May 10 and May 11 at the PKU Guanghua School of Managem...
May. 18, 2013
A talk between science and literature
Peking University, May 17, 2013: “The major similarity between science and literature lies in the common concern for the world, and that both are fundamental elements of the environment we live in,” said Nobel laureate Chen Ning Yang ’42 during a talk at Peking University (PKU/Be...
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