Nov. 24, 2011
Intelligent Robotics Symposium held at PKU
Peking University, Nov. 14, 2011: The Ninth Chinese Intelligent Robotics Symposium, namely The First Youth Forum of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence was held at Peking University (PKU) Shenzhen Graduate School on November 11th. Professor Liu Hong, director of Resea...
Nov. 24, 2011
Sinological wizard visits PKU
Peking University, Nov. 18, 2011: Invited by Peking University Sinology Academy, Professor David McMullen, sinologistof Cambridge University, visited Peking University from Semptember to November in 2011, during which he gave 8 special lectures, all focusing on literature and his...
Nov. 22, 2011
UNHCR regional representative lectures at PKU
Peking University, Nov. 19, 2011: This year marks the 60th anniversary of the ratification of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the institution of asylum. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), established in 1950, is eng...
Nov. 19, 2011
PKU School of Art celebrates 5th birthday
Peking University, Nov.17, 2011: On November 12, the Sunshine Hall of the Yingjie Overseas Exchange Centre, Peking University (PKU), was full of guests celebrating the fifth anniversary of the School of Art. It was also a summit forum for discussion about cultural heritage and ar...
Nov. 17, 2011
Opening of the First Culture Festival of School of Journalism and Communication
Peking University, Nov. 11, 2011: The summit forum “Opportunities and Challenges of Journalists in the New Media Age”, namely the launching ceremony of the first School of Journalism and Communication Culture Festival, was held on the morning of November 8, in Alibaba Lecture Hal...
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