Nov. 29, 2011
Institute of Mental Health published article in Nature Genetics
News & Events | About PKU News | Contact | Site SearchPeking University, Nov.26, 2011: Recently, Nature Genetics, the world’s leading journal of genetic research, published an article titled “Genome-wide Association Study Identifies a Susceptibility Locus for Schizophrenia i...
Nov. 28, 2011
To honor a century's glory
Peking University, Nov. 27, 2011: The launching ceremony of the centennial of Peking University (PKU) Department of Philosophy was held on the afternoon of November 25, in Shaoyuan guest house. Leng Rong, dean of CCCPC Party Literature Research Office; Zhou Qifeng, PKU President...
Nov. 26, 2011
First MScs in Periodontology graduate from PKU-HKU Conjoint Program
Peking University, Nov.25, 2011: The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Peking University (PKU) celebrated the commencement of their mutual students on November 12, when five graduates from the 2009 Class of PKU-HKU Conjoint International Postgraduate Program in Periodontology rec...
Nov. 24, 2011
Professor Cai Hongbin from Guanghua elected as Fellow of Econometric Society
Peking University, Nov. 19, 2011: Recently, Professor Cai Hongbin from Peking University Guanghua School of Management was elected as Fellow of The Econometric Society, becoming one of the few Chinese economists to have joined the most elite economics professional society. The Ec...
Nov. 24, 2011
Nature notices PKU's new solar battery in carbon nanotubes
Peking University, Nov.23, 2011: Peking University (PKU) Professor Peng Lianmao published Research Efficient Photovoltage Multiplication in Carbon Nanotubes on Nature Photonics (2011, 5, PP.672-676), with PhD candidates from PKU School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Scie...
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