Apr. 23, 2010
Advisor to the Royal Court of Saudi Arabia Speaks at PKU
Peking University, Apr. 23: On April 21, Dr. Abdulrahman H. Al-Saeed, Advisor to the Royal Court of Saudi Arabia visited Peking University and made a speech at Yingjie Overseas Exchange Center. The event was presided over by Prof. Liu Shusen, Vice Dean of School of Foreign Langua...
Apr. 22, 2010
College of Engineering Prof. Yuan Mingwu Wins IACM Award
Peking University, Beijing, Apr. 20, 2010: In February of this year, Prof. Ted Belytschko, President of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), wrote a congratulatory letter to Peking University (PKU) Prof. Yuan Mingwu on his receiving this year’s IACM A...
Apr. 21, 2010
Research Results of PKU iGEM Team Published in Nature
Peking University, Beijing, April.19th, 2010: PKU Team for the International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (iGEM) won the Grand Prize in iGEM 2007. Afterwards, PKU iGEM team carried on a further, in-depth research for more than two years and achieved a crucial breakt...
Apr. 16, 2010
PKU Holds Roundtable on Higher Education, Focusing on Internationalization and Globalization
Peking University, Beijing, Apr. 15, 2010: "How are the internationalization and globalization of higher education and what their significance will be?” These were among the topics of the PKU Roundtable on Higher Education held on Apr. 14. Attendees at the seminar were from Natio...
Apr. 16, 2010
Peking University Weiming Forum and Charity Dinner Held in L.A.
Peking University, Beijing, Apr. 14, 2010: On April 4th, the Peking University Weiming Forum (Los Angeles 2010) and the charity dinner took placein Pasadena, CA. PKU President Zhou Qifeng, along with a PKU representative team, members of the Peking University Alumni Association o...
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