Jun. 20, 2024
My PKU Story | Shi Xinyao: Where worlds meet
Peking University, June 20, 2024: Studying at Peking University (PKU) was a leap of faith that turned into a fruitful and rewarding journey. Over my four years here, I was fortunate to be exposed to a myriad of experiences that honed my skills and provided ample space for self-ex...
Jun. 19, 2024
Graduation 2024 | Letters from three alumni, two years after graduating
Editor's note: This is a collection of reflections and memories from three alumni of the English Department, Class of 2022, at Peking University, who are currently pursuing further education in different academic fields in various parts of the world. Each piece in this collection...
Jun. 19, 2024
Graduation 2024 | Huang Rong: Picturing the past and future
Peking University, June 19, 2024:Every year, Peking University (PKU) celebrates the graduation of thousands of students, each with a unique journey. The "Graduation Portraits" exhibition, recently held on campus, showcases their achievements and experiences through photos taken b...
Jun. 11, 2024
Chinese table tennis legend Ding Ning elected Chair of OCA Athletes' Committee
Ding Ning speaks at a seminar at Peking University, July 24, 2023. (PHOTO / XINHUA) BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) announced on Monday that Chinese table tennis legend Ding Ning was elected as Chair of the Athletes' Committee of the OCA."My career...
May. 09, 2024
Interview | Koen Smeets: Illuminating China-U.S. academic relations
Koen Smeets at Yenching Academy. Editor's note: May 5, 2024, marked the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Yenching Academy at Peking University (PKU). Since its inception, Yenching Academy has striven to cultivate new generations of global citizens with a nuanced understan...
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